Mdoc helper for Cats Effect

A very simple modifier to write documentation about Cats Effect libraries.


This library is published to Maven Central.

Add the following dependency to your documentation project (the one on which MdocPlugin is enabled)

Cats Effect 3:

libraryDependencies += "com.indoorvivants" %% "mdoc-effect-ce3" % "0.0.5+13-314c097c-SNAPSHOT"

Cats Effect 2:

libraryDependencies += "com.indoorvivants" %% "mdoc-effect-ce2" % "0.0.5+13-314c097c-SNAPSHOT"


  1. You can't mix modifiers (i.e. mdoc:io-silent:passthrough)

    This is a limitation of mdoc, which handles built-in modifiers separately from user provided ones. I hope to fix this upstream

  2. You can't have a mixture of some variables being rendered, and some not. Again, I believe this is a limitation in mdoc - you only get a hold of raw original code, or fully rendered one.